Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reparations for the Lapse

Sorry for not posting an update last week. We actually don't have a good reason, but we will have a fresh podcast up tomorrow!

To make amends and tide you over for the update here is an assortment of randomly selected IMs from each of us taken completely out of context for your entertainment:

Alex: "Do you guys want to come over and do a quick play of arkham origins?"

Logan:  "I have a pair of those!!!"

Kenny: "You mean you don't mindlessly subscribe to a single point of view without any form of firsthand evidence to support it?"

Shawn: "All I said was 'Sup all'"

Richard: "Ohhhhh!!2munnies!?!?"

Alex: "I'm watching the internet implode upon itself"

Shawn: "If exclusive games are not running at advertised resolution I would be pissed"

Logan: "Wah Wah!"

Richard: "Mario I..."

Kenny: "Why would you do that to yourself?"

Alex: "All those cut features"

Logan: "I had to work. Ugh."

Richard Really did IM this


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